Calculated on

Analysis results

Score: 0 / 100

Environmental performance is represented by a score out of 100 and a grade from A to G (the higher the grade, the better!). Environmental performance is calculated on the basis of 3 technical indicators: weight, complexity and number of page requests.

Find out more: How does it work?

max. 100 min. 0
  • Page rank: Not available / Not available
  • 0 Mb
  • 0 elements
  • 0 requests

Environmental footprint

The web page's environmental footprint is expressed by 2 environmental indicators.

Greenhouse gases (GHG)

The web page's GHG footprint is expressed in grams of CO2 equivalent (g CO2e).


The web page's water footprint is expressed in centiliters of blue water (cl). The water footprint reflects the water consumption required to display this web page. Extracting and refining the metals used to manufacture tech equipments requires a large amount of water.

These values are calculated from an average web page's emissions and modulated according to the EcoIndex of the analyzed web page.

How does it work?

For monthly page views, this web page's footprint is:


Blue water


Greenhouse gas emissions

What does that mean?

To give you an idea, 1 kg CO2e is equivalent to a journey of around 5 km by car. A shower uses an average of 6 litres of water per minute.

If your page emits 1,7g CO2e and uses 2,5cl of water, that means that for 1000 monthly visitors, the footprint is 1,7kg de CO2e and 25 litres of water per month – equivalent to a 5.5km car journey and a 4-minute shower.

? To find out more: Mise en perspective des impacts écologiques du numérique

Score details

Your score details show your page score, median, and target to aim for.

To calculate the environmental performance of a page, we take several factors into account: the number of elements in the DOM (Document Object Model), the weight of the data transferred and the number of HTTP requests. Find out more about our calculation method.

How does it work?
min median: 2.41 max
Target: 1.024 Unit: megabyte (Mb)
min median: 693 max
Target: 600 Unit: Number of DOM elements
min median: 78 max
Target: 40 Unit: Number of server requests

How can I improve my score ?

If the web page is too heavy

  • Optimize images by choosing the right format and reducing the size
  • Avoid videos and video backgrounds
  • Compress your files (HTML, CSS, JS, SVG)
  • When possible: switch interface pictures with CSS styles or icons
  • Facilitate browser caching

If the web page is too complex

  • Limit content and features to the essential
  • Opt for “mobile first” design
  • Avoid mechanics like “infinite scroll” and carousels

If there are too many requests

  • Limit widgets and plugins usage
  • Use system fonts instead of custom ones
  • Group images into a CSS sprite
  • Group certain stylesheets (CSS) and JavaScript libraries (JS)
  • Prefer static web pages

Install the GreenIT Analysis plugin

EcoIndex is also available as a plugin, which works even behind a firewall.

You can quantify the environmental impact of any web page, on Chrome and Firefox.

GreenIT Analysis allows you to:

  • Test the complete user journey.
  • Keep history so you can compare the page before and after optimisations.
  • Check application of good practices.

Chrome plugin
Firefox plugin
Command-line interface

Add the badge on your web page

We are not responsible for the use made of this badge. If you add this badge to your website you must ensure that the web page complies with good ecodesign and accessibility practices, and perform regular page checks.

The environmental footprint of this page is lower than average. Calculation made with on . Highlight your score on the webpage by adding the ecoIndex badge; see how on the project page.

What does it mean?

To give you an idea, 1kg CO2e is similar to driving about 5km by car. Taking a shower consumes an average of 6 liters of water per minute.

If your webpage emits 1.7g CO2e and consumes 2.5cl of water, it means that for 1000 monthly visitors, its footprint is 1.7kg CO2e and 25l of water: similar to driving a car 5.5km and taking a 4 minutes shower.

To go further: Putting the ecological impacts of digital technology into perspective - in french