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We are not responsible for the use made of this badge. If you add this badge to your website you must ensure that the web page complies with good ecodesign and accessibility practices, and perform regular page checks.
The environmental footprint of this page is lower than average. Calculation made with on . Highlight your score on the webpage by adding the ecoIndex badge; see how on the project page.
What does it mean?
To give you an idea, 1kg CO2e is similar to driving about 5km by car. Taking a shower consumes an average of 6 liters of water per minute.
If your webpage emits 1.7g CO2e and consumes 2.5cl of water, it means that for 1000 monthly visitors, its footprint is 1.7kg CO2e and 25l of water: similar to driving a car 5.5km and taking a 4 minutes shower.
To go further: Putting the ecological impacts of digital technology into perspective - in french
How can I improve my score ?
If the web page is too heavy
If the web page is too complex
If there are too many requests